Sunday, 20th November 2016. 5:46:19pm ET
Reviews Book Reviews Book Review: DarKesT- by Jason Jeffery

Book Title: DarKesT

Author: Jason Jeffery

Genre: Horror

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Dean Burrows, famed author and alcoholic/drug addict, has always run from his problems, including horrors that have pursued him since his childhood. After a car accident, Dean is forced into rehab where he must learn who he is and what that has to do with the DarKesT, a realm that for all intents and purposes is a man's personal Hell. A Hell he created with his imagination. Not only must he face his fears, his horrors, and himself, but also his own creations. Only then will he truly understand what The DarKesT is.

“Each person possesses their own DarKesT with their own demons to face”

Immediately after I finished this book, I had to start reading it again for a second time.

The world crafted is so real and vivid. From the first sentence the reader is drawn in. Dean is a fascinating character, rich and fully developed.  This book appeals to a universal audience, there are elements of fear, humanity, and a man owning up to the mistakes he has made in life. 

It reads like a thriller, but there is so much more in the body of this book. Jason Jeffery navigates the reader through all of human emotions in a frightening manner. Readers witness protagonist Dean endure an epic arc of change in the most complicated ways.

Have you ever stopped to think, what if your nightmares were real? Jeffery makes your mind travel to dark places as you indulge in the story. Common fears such as spiders, crows and hell are well executed and presented in the story. It is deliciously frightening.

Jeffery has crafted a hell so very real, and somehow made this dark world beautiful and inviting to the reader. He is truly a master of his craft. This story is best read on nights that can afford to be sleepless. The story and its many elements stay alive in your mind long after the final page is read.

Utterly brilliant. This is one of the best books of 2013. This story is one that is destined to hit the big screen.

This dynamic nightmare is a must read.

Buy DarKesT




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