Sunday, 20th November 2016. 4:23:32am ET
Interviews Synthpop, New Wave Interview- Dressenvall


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Ricardo Cid (Synthohma) & Alex Marin (Neuetron, Notbok, Floe!) got in touch around early January 2006. After several months of just chatting via msn and sharing some material, they found out that they like and listen to the same kind of music and bands.

Alex Marin, not a trained musician but talented, has been making music for some time now...prolific and never-stop inspired young man has been involved in several projects giving them a different style. Inspired by classical bands like Depeche Mode, Erasure, etc...
Ricardo Cid, also not a trained musician, discovered that he could write some lyrics. Dedicated to promote electronic music as a promoter and dj in Mexico, he decided to give it a shot. This time he's also taking the role as singer and frontman.

Despite of the fact that they discussed the chance to do something together nothing really happened until 2007. Ricardo decided to put to an end his first project and focus on Dressenvall. Alex is still working on several projects.

Dressenvall is currently working on 11 songs... Visit the band on-line at: 


Grave Concerns: So, guys, this is your very first interview, and so how cool is it, to be in the spotlight? Hmm, figuratively speaking, that is, since I can’t see you! I’d like to give you guys the opportunity to mention something about yourselves, or your music that you feel your fans would like to know.


Sample Image -Ricardo


Ricardo: Thank you so much for this interview and for putting us on the spotlight. Well, I am in charge of writing the lyrics for Dressenvall…aah! And I “try” to sing hehe. I have been involved in music for some years now. As a promoter, DJ, I used to run a record store and now Dressenvall! Yeah! I have a regular job as civil engineer, it demands a lot of time during the whole week but I always find some time to focus on the band.


Alex: I’m excited about this opportunity and I’d like to thank you for it. I’m happy for this very first interview and because people are accepting our band, which is really important to me because I leave a part of me in every song I compose.




Sample Image -Alex



Grave Concerns: I must tell you how impressed I was, through reading your profiles on MySpace, that neither Alex, nor yourself have ever had any musical training. Hopefully you guys are feeling proud of your accomplishments, so far. Were either of you interested in music early on, as in your childhoods, or did something spark this interest in music and lyric writing, later on in your lives? And speaking of lyrical writing, whom do you find to be your greatest influences?


Ricardo: Well, so far we are happy with what we’ve been doing but we’re still not satisfied. We are aware that we must keep working and improve. I’ve always loved music, since I was a child and some years ago I bought my first synthesizer. Some time after that I formed a band (called Synthohma) and I asked for a chance to write the lyrics for one of our songs. It turned out really good and the other members were pleased with the results and I became the lyric guy in the band. Mmm, regarding my influences…I must say Martin L. Gore and life.


Alex: Yes, it’s right. I don’t have any musical training hehe, but I’ve always been around creative and talented people. I think creativity is something you learn, it is in you, and you just have to learn how to use it.


Grave Concerns: What do you feel are the strengths and the weaknesses of Dressenvall? And how will you go about keeping those strengths alive, while reaching for improvements?


Ricardo: I think that our biggest strength is the fact that we trust each other, I mean, we both know what we can do for the band and we respect each other’s work and we’re always open to accept criticism and opinions in order to improve. Weaknesses…oops! My vocals! Hehe no, seriously, I know that I must improve my singing technique and we must improve when it comes to produce our songs and the mixing.


Alex: I think that everything could be done better…we’re evolving and I’m pretty sure we’ll reinvent ourselves as time passes by, as long as we keep being honest with what we do and our fans.


Grave Concerns: I’ve never been to Mexico---I’d like to though. Where are some places you’d recommend a first-time traveler to see?


Ricardo: Mexico City! (hehe) You must visit Teotihuacan (pyramids) and downtown…but I can assure you that if you come you’ll never get bored, ‘cause we have so many places in the city and the countryside to visit and enjoy. Plus, beer is cheaper!!! hehe.


Alex: Yeah, the pyramids are the place to go…I’m sure that my band mate could be your tour guide hehe.


Grave Concerns: You’re a fairly new a member of MySpace since February 27th, 2007. How has MySpace helped, or hindered your musical endeavors? And which countries do you feel have embraced your music the most from being a member of MySpace?


Ricardo: MySpace has helped us to spread our music and start contacting a lot of people from all over the world. Thumbs up for MySpace! So far, we have friends from several countries and we hope to get more friend requests, but just to mention some countries: USA, Mexico, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Poland, Russia, UK, Spain, Peru, Brazil, Japan, etc.


Alex: MySpace has been really helpful for us. We’re excited about people’s response especially because our profile is fairly new. We really enjoy being in touch with people who like our music…it’s important to get their comments about what we’re doing.


Grave Concerns: Being a duo, do you find there’s more room for creativity, or is it harder to get your visions acknowledged? Have you thought about adding new members to the band, or are you comfortable where stand as a duo, and as artists?


Ricardo: I really think so…I like the way we’re working now and I think it’s easier for us to focus on details (musically) and a lot easier when it comes to discuss general aspects of the band. Personally, I feel comfortable as a duo, I feel free to write about anything and it’s easier for me just to deal with another person’s opinion and suggestions. We’d love to add a drummer but just as a live member.


Alex: I feel really comfortable as a duo and the way we’ve been working so far. Each one knows what to do best for the band.

I’d like to have guest musicians for the gigs too.


Grave Concerns: Other than musical influences, where do you look for inspiration?


Ricardo: Personally, relationships…love, hate, lust, etc. I like to write about every single aspect of relationships: also, everything that happens around me. It could be something happening every day in the city or somewhere else in the world.


Alex: Inspiration comes from the tiniest thing…personally I focus on experiences, good and bad. Inspiration comes from every moment, every person, and every situation…


Grave Concerns: Where did the name Dressenvall originate from?


Ricardo: Alex came up with the name…I learned German some time ago and I liked the sound of it if you pronounce it correctly. For me, Dressenvall is a place (somewhere) full of emotions.


Alex: In 2006, while I formed Neuetron (another band I’m involved in), I decided to form a new project, based on pure electronics but full of melancholy and emotions…as we all know, electronic music could be made with no traditional instruments, so a name outside reality was needed. The word Dressenvall doesn’t exist…so the answer is simple, I just like the sound of it….hehe.


Grave Concerns: Right from the first notes of Forgive Me; I was hooked…and stayed hooked throughout the song. It’s my favorite. Can you tell us how this song came about?


Ricardo: Well, actually it has been the easiest song we’ve recorded so far. My vocals were recorded in one take, which is something that might not happen again! Hehehe seriously, we’re really proud of this track and personally I didn’t realize that this could be a single until we got the first comments from my friends and people from MySpace. I’m happy that this song is getting a lot of attention because the lyrics are very personal.


Alex: Honestly, the music came during a hard time for me (emotionally speaking) and I always compose music as a therapy. I tried to express melancholy, confusion; pain…and I think it turned out OK. 


Grave Concerns: When do you anticipate the release of your album?


Ricardo: Hopefully by the end of this year. I have to record the vocals for several tracks and then comes the production and mixing process, which I think will take us several weeks to do. After that, we’ll send some demos to different labels and hopefully someone would be interested. Please keep your fingers crossed.


Alex: Soon, we hope, we have a lot of material that we’d love to share with all of you…this is just the beginning.


Grave Concerns: I found it fitting, to make this question coincide with the number of songs you’re currently working on. What can your fans expect to hear from those 11 songs? Will we be surprised by any new sounds, or lyrics, or just happy to have more music by Dressenvall to enjoy?


Ricardo: Well, right now we have 15 songs to work on! We’re trying to find “our” sound but I can tell you that you’ll enjoy the album. We are still discussing the chance to include 1 or 2 instrumental tracks but when it comes to lyrics I really hope they will move some people and I’m pretty sure that the music will do! ;-)


Alex: You’ll be surprised with the new stuff; we just want to let you know that there’s a lot for us to say and express. You’ll notice different atmospheres along the tracks…we’re working constantly.


Grave Concerns: Thank you, Ricardo and Alex for having Grave Concerns conduct your first interview! It’s been a joy to be able to meet you, and we here at Grave Concerns are eagerly awaiting the release of your album, and to be able to review it! Here’s wishing you much success with it, and in your future musical endeavors. Thanks again guys, it was such a pleasure!


Ricardo: Thank you so much for this interview, we hope it won’t be the only one. Cheers!


Alex: Thanks a lot for this interview. We’ll keep you updated…It was a pleasure!











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