Sunday, 20th November 2016. 2:33:11pm ET
Reviews CD Reviews Industrial Ministry- Relapse
Artist- Ministry
CD Title: Relapse
Label: 13th Planet Records
Genre: Industrial/ Metal
relapse thumb
A Track by Track review....
Track 1-  Ghouldiggers
Guitarist doing hammer-ons and pulloffs. Guitar 101. yay...not
Al talks about how musicians are "worth more when they are dead".
Industry people are "douchebags" according to Al.
How's that saying go? If you have nothing nice to say.....
Ah well, whatever. This song kinda sucks.
Track 2-  Double Tap
Maybe the best song on this thing.
Track 3- Freefall
OMG!!! Ministry is gonna cover the Tom Petty song????? That WOULD have been interesting. Instead what we get with this at least a song that one can easily tell is Ministry. Heavy guitar and pounding fast drums. Al still needs better effects on his vocals. I guess this is one of the better songs on this thing.
Track 4- Kleptocracy
Am I still listening to track 5 ? Ohhh..guitar is different. Song still boring. I guess Al thinks it is cool to make his songs all "Political". Only problem- its tough to care about vague references to political words.
Track 5-  United Forces
Guitar riff to start the song. Whoa is that Metallica ? Oops no its not, sounded like it for a sec there. Boring guitar riff, boring song. Drummer sure can go though.
Track 6-  99 Percenters
Track opens with the guitarist playing with his effects pedal. And Al counting numbers. Some riff. Growling vocals. Not my cup of tea. I really was hoping for a Ministry album Psalm know...instead this album is just...not
Track 7- Relapse
DAMN ....Al you really could have used some better effects on your voice. Not just for this song, for the whole album. Who recorded or engineered this? I'm sorry, I adore Ministry usually, but something went wrong on this recording.
Track 8- Weekend Warrior
Finally the guitar actually SOUNDS like Ministry. I think the subject matter of the lyrics of the songs from this album leaves a lot to be desired. All the same this may be one of the better songs on here, though that does NOT mean it is GREAT at all.
Track 9-  Get Up, Get Out N Vote
Song opens with a "barrage" of sound- guitars and such, very fast paced. Vocals sound like they were not recorded well- compared to some older Ministry songs. Can't say I "like" this song.
Track 10-  Bloodlust
Song opens with a guitar riff that sounds dated. The lyrics also sound dated. I suppose what I'm saying is that the entire song sounds like it is NOT a new song...though it is. The guitar riffs are .... just there...and not anything I'd consider very "Ministry-esque" .
Track 11-  Relapse (Defibrillator Mix)
Dancy industrial is what came to mind within the first 30 seconds of the song. I can see this song being played at clubs. The sampled voices are very repetitive. I love Ministry, however this is not one of their most innovative songs.
Check out "Relapse" (Track 7)
Ministry- Relapse




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