Sunday, 20th November 2016. 5:38:06am ET
Reviews CD Reviews (EBM, Electro, Electronica) Panic Lift- Is this Goodbye?

Artist: Panic Lift

CD Title: Is This Goodbye?

Label: Metropolis Record

Genre: EBM, Industrial

 panicliftisthisgoodbye thumb

Never judge a book by its cover right? But, what about albums? This is a pretty dope cover art and reels the listener in. 

I have a weakness for great music. I am one of those people whom find an artist, or album that really resonates with them, and I play it on blast for weeks at a time. Is This Goodbye? Is pure musical brilliance. It still baffles me that musicians can combine basic instruments, and vocals and create such beautiful sound that moves you. Well, I guess that is what defines great music right? Tracks that stay with you long after the CODA has faded out.

It had been three years since Panic Lift released their debut Witness To Our Collapse. In the time between 2009 and 2012 Panic Lift was steady working on building a name for themselves in the industrial scene.

The release of, Is This Goodbye? Introduced a new, edgier sound to listeners. Of course, there are the whining clones that insist no musician should ever change their sound. Gosh, I can’t imagine how dull our world would be if musicians didn’t take the chance and branch out to diversify their sound.

Panic Lift sure as hell has the foundations of a great band. Original. Charismatic. Attention holding. Do I need to state the obvious? Talented beyond on belief. I love that James vocal range is truly exhibited in this album. The vocals are no longer as heavily distorted and listeners get a feel for James outstanding voice, This album literally caters to all audiences, the dance crowd the dark ebm crowd. the goth crowd, industrial and synthpop--this task is very hard to master, and Panic Lift nailed it.

Kill me Faster is reminiscent of Depeche Mode (dare I say, even better than Depeche Mode.) There are many influences from music greats including Nine Inch Nails and Massive Attack.

This is an album that needs to be listened to several times. Each listen you pick up something new and delightful. Appreciate the sound that is the beauty of a well-composed and constructed album. Give it a listen, and you will find yourself like me--listening to it on blast for weeks!

We Are the Illusion closes out the album with gentle drumbeats over soft synth and piano with samples over the audio. This is a brilliant end to a brilliant album.

Panic Lift has taken risks, and they have certainly paid off.

Listen to Panic Lift- Awake

Panic Life- Awake

Buy Panic Lift- Is this Goodbye?




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