Sunday, 20th November 2016. 5:02:22pm ET
Interviews Industrial Interview- Immune System

Hey everyone, DJ Zeph here. On behalf of Redrum Entertainment, Grave Concerns E-zine, and myself, it is my pleasure to bring you an interview I recently did with Todd of the Industrial band Immune System. Be sure to check Immune System out at &


Zeph: How did you come up with the name of your current band, Immune System? Who are the current members of the band?

Todd: I liked the word "system" but wanted to give it a more personal edge, As your readers know, as a child I was stricken with both scurvy and rickets. So "Immune" became a bit of an inside joke.

Zeph: When was Immune System formed and what inspired you to create the band?

Todd: I started the IMMUNE SYSTEM project about four years ago, and it came out of my need to create. I had been feeling creative for a good long time up until then, but didn't have an outlet, for one reason or another. Plus, I was tired of dealing with other musicians who may or may not share my particular vision, and IMMUNE SYSTEM is a solo project. So IMMUNE SYSTEM was born out of that.

Zeph: Tell us about your unique style of music and who are your major influences?
Todd: I'm not sure how UNIQUE my style of music is. I hope it sounds original and unique but really I just create music that I would like to hear.

Zeph: What sort of equipment do you use in the making of your music?

Todd: I use an assortment of software, hardware, and extensive magical techniques.

Zeph: Does Immune System play live? If so what are your favorite venues? If not then do you plan to do so in the future?

Todd: IMMUNE SYSTEM does not currently play live. It might be fun, but it would mean hiring live musicians and a plethora of audio/visual people to make it work. In short, I would need serious financial support of some kind.

Zeph: What has been your biggest challenge with Immune System thus far?

Todd: Probably trying to shake people out of their stupor, and show them that there is music that exists that isn't force-fed to you by the corporations, and that it can be intelligent, and can be interesting and it can rock.

Zeph: What are some of the highlights of Immune System and what are your goals
for the future... such as where do you hope to be with Immune System 5 years from now?

Todd: Any time I create something that turns out just the way I imagined it -- that's a highlight. And I think I've done that now and then. In five years, I hope to own my own 747, a yacht or two, and at least one submarine.

Zeph: Are you currently working on or planning any new releases?

Todd: A new album, tentatively titled "Keys to the Kingdom," should be completed in about a year and will most likely be distributed, once again, through CD BABY.

Zeph: What are your views on the current Industrial scene?

Todd: I have no views regarding any scene, as I've stopped paying attention and I'm completely out of the loop. I am not trendy.

Zeph: What are your views on collaborations and do you have any collaborations coming up?

Todd: I haven't done many collaborations, but I have gotten into doing remix work, which I've found absolutely enjoyable. I recently did a remix for the East Coast rapper, SWING, called "Crack." It's currently on my MySpace profile.

Zeph: How long have you been in the music industry and how has it changed over time?

Todd: I've been involved with the music business, in one way or another, for about 20 years. The rules have changed in the last five years or so, and "getting signed" is no longer the Holy Grail that it used to be. In fact, I would be very reluctant to sign with a label anymore.

Zeph: Where do you typically get your inspiration for songs?

Todd: Inspirations for songs can come from absolutely anywhere.

Zeph: If there were one thing you could change about the music industry today what would it be?

Todd: I would be getting paid lots of money, regularly.

Zeph: How do you feel about the issue of people downloading music and sharing music on the internet?

Todd: I think it's far too late for artists to worry about whether or not it should exist. The fact is that it DOES, and we have to figure out how to balance that, with actually being compensated in some way for our work. But I don't have the solution.

Zeph: How is Immune System being recieved by the public? Has the response been good?

Todd: The public has been staying away in DROVES. Just kidding. Actually, there is a really good core group of people who seem to understand what I'm doing. I would rather have that than a bunch of sheep who think it's cool because the media told them to like it.

Zeph: Is there anyone special you would like to acknowledge, and anything you'd like to add?

Todd: I would like to acknowledge Zeph! I acknowledge you. And I acknowledge you again.

Zeph: Thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview with me. It is very appreciated and I hope to speak with you again soon and get an audio interview going as well.

Don't forget to check Immune System out at &


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